Music by Gairin Celtic Music
Sorry the Day I Was Married
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Enjoy Sorry the Day I Was Married an Irish ballad performed in 2-part harmony. This a sean nos (acappella) song is perfectly sung tongue-and-cheekish by the long time happily married musical duo Tom and Mary Kay Aufrance of Gairin Celtic Music. It appears on their debut CD Ramblin' Irishman, and you can enjoy the music video on this page.
Provided to YouTube by Gairin Celtic Music from the album Ramblin' Irishman (c) Tom and Mary Kay Aufrance, Lake Tahoe USA...
This video was uploaded on 3/26/2020.
The video lasts for 1 minute and 26 seconds.
Sorry the Day I Was Married appears on Gairin's album Ramblin' Irishman. Listen to Gairin's entire album on Soundcloud.
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Gairin Celtic Music