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For The Birds by Tahoe Bird Feeders


Mini Wild Bird Feeder Witacles 8 Inch Metal Steel Hanger

Reg. Price: $22.76
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Favorite Bird Feeders

Offered by Witacles. This Mini Wild Bird Feeder Witacles 8 Inch Metal Steel Hanger for Garden Yard Outdoor (Seed is not Included ) Grey Mini - features Classic Color & Considerate Design

Witacles bird feeder is easy to install with classic color design. A high quality polycarbonate tube which can effectively keep foods fresh. 8.8 Inch Tall Mini Size but Larger Capacity- Witacles mini bird feeder'sheight is up to 8 inches it can hold about 250g mix seed the capacity is 20% larger than products of the same price.

Special Metal Mesh Design - 100% Full Metal bird feeder. You don't need to worry about it being destroyed by squirrels or falling to the ground. And the bird can easily eat while standing on the bottom and on the mesh.

Top Flip Design Easy to Fill & Clean - It comes with a lift-lid for easy and convenient filling/clean. Regular cleaning will keep the feeder and seeds clean to attract more birds.

Customer Satisfaction Service - Witacles provides professional customer service before and after purchase. What you can get are high quality bird feeder and friendly customer service.

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Item condition: NEW
Catalog Number: B08SB7CRRM
Allow: Amazon for delivery.
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